Based on what we've seen, it seems to me that of the seven, Splane and Jackson are the smartest; Herd, Lett and Morris the least intelligent; and Sanderson and Losch somewhere in the middle.
What's your impression?
based on what we've seen, it seems to me that of the seven, splane and jackson are the smartest; herd, lett and morris the least intelligent; and sanderson and losch somewhere in the middle.
what's your impression?.
Based on what we've seen, it seems to me that of the seven, Splane and Jackson are the smartest; Herd, Lett and Morris the least intelligent; and Sanderson and Losch somewhere in the middle.
What's your impression?
the october 2015 jw broadcast, hosted by gerrit losch is quite positive actually.a lot of focus on "field service" needs to be balanced with other good works - supporting those in need around you - either in the congregation (witnesses) or in your classroom or neighbors (non-witnesses).
visiting and encouraging the sick and elderly is mentioned.
jesus parable of the merciful samaritan is highlighted.
is wt beginning to buckle under the weight of everything that is happening?
heavy criticism from the media and the plethora of websites and youtube videos popping up; and now the obvious issues with finances clearly evident.
the pressure for change must be immense and therefore necessary!
the october 2015 jw broadcast, hosted by gerrit losch is quite positive actually.a lot of focus on "field service" needs to be balanced with other good works - supporting those in need around you - either in the congregation (witnesses) or in your classroom or neighbors (non-witnesses).
visiting and encouraging the sick and elderly is mentioned.
jesus parable of the merciful samaritan is highlighted.
2015, s-89 form.
.. our christian life and ministry meeting assignment form.. .. click the green download button..
.. .. petra.
"downsizing" has reached special pioneers.. this is the template mexico is using to get rid of many of its special pioneers.
see how cold and unloving is the language they use.
a translation attempt is as follows:.
are the governing body of the wt wickedly smart with extremely high iq or are they leaders of the wt because they were at the right place at the right time.
(in other words, pure luck )-think lottery.
ive seen them talk in jwtv and you can never convince anyone in the whole world that these guys are in the same category as someone smart or cunning like jim simons who founded renaissance technologies or bill gates.
"For what they lack in writing ability and producing new spiritual content, they more than make up for in shrewedness."
Shrewd? Based on recent disclosures, they're giving every reason to believe they're bungling away a fortune on the way to insolvency.
so i made a timeline based on the leaked letter, it is as follows:.
edit: updated chart with color, because the html version was crap.
so i know i might be crazy, but is the theocratic school still there, just called apply yourself to field ministry?
I disagree that the TMS is "still there:" it would seem the new format effectively ends the Ministry School, or at least structurally changes it to a point beyond recognition.
No more speech counsel slips, no TMS overseer, no second school; and participation restricted to just the three five-minute demos (six people at most), and at least some of which are likely to he handled by video.
In sum, a much smaller percentage of the congregation will be involved in the "Apply Yourself to Field Ministry," and likely, the end of pressure for the rank and file to enroll.
i just texted a very good remote worker friend, said i heard that there is a reduction in force coming at bethel and i hoped he wouldn't be affected.
he said its true, its not a rumor.
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.